Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan light up the room whenever they make an entry at any event. Their personas, style and the confidence and attitude with which they arrive make heads turn. As we are having a gala time with our families on Diwali, Salman was spotted arriving at brother-in-law Aayush Sharma and sister Arpita Khan Sharma’s Diwali party. Shah Rukh Khan also came to the event, and that in his signature style.
Salman Khan arrives in style at sister Arpita Khan Sharma’s Diwali party
Bollywood celebs aren’t done with attending Diwali parties hosted by popular stars. These starry nights witness the who’s who of the industry making a stylish entry to the venue. Currently, a host of celebs have gathered at actor Aayush Sharma and his wife’s Arpita Khan Sharma’s Diwali party hosted in Mumbai.
Among them is Arpita’s star brother Salman Khan. In this video, you can see the Tiger 3 actor in his uber cool casual outfit as he donned dual-toned pants with a short-sleeved black shirt. The actor wore chunky boats and a watch to round up his look. As he arrived, the paparazzi cheered for him. While some fondly called him ‘Salman Bhai’ others addressed him as ‘Tiger’.
Take a look:
Shah Rukh Khan dons traditional wear for Arpita Khan Sharma’s Diwali bash
It’s a very rare occasion when Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan attend a party together. Well, the moment has arrived at both the stars of the Indian film industry were spotted attending Arpita Khan Sharma’s Diwali party. The Pathaan actor came to the event wearing a blue-colored kurta-pajama set, perfect for the Diwali occasion. As he came out of his car and made his way inside, the paps went gaga over ‘Khan saab’. He was followed by a team of security personnel.
Take a look at the video:
Meanwhile, on the work front, Salman Khan made his fans’ Diwali celebration extra special with his action movie Tiger 3 finally hitting the big screens. Shah Rukh Khan has made a cameo appearance in the movie as Pathaan just like the way Salman features as Avinash ‘Tiger’ Singh Rathore in the film Pathaan. On the other hand, SRK is also gearing up for the release of his comedy movie Dunki.
ALSO READ: Opening Day Box Office Early Trends: Tiger 3 targets the biggest opening day till date for Salman Khan