Pakistani actress Mahira Khan recently shared a picture and a video from her wedding with Salim Karim on Instagram. This is Mahira’s second marriage, and the wedding frame looks absolutely beautiful. The picture shows the newlyweds sharing an intimate moment with a veil over their faces, creating a picturesque atmosphere. Mahira captioned the photo with “Bismillah.” Many Bollywood celebrities, including Sonam Kapoor, Sania Mirza, and Mouni Roy, congratulated Mahira on her wedding.
In addition to the picture, Mahira also shared a video from the wedding venue. The outdoor ceremony took place in Murree, Pakistan. The video begins with Salim’s voiceover, expressing how Mahira’s spirituality has influenced him. Mahira can be seen waiting with her son Azlan before walking down the aisle. The video captures the emotional moments of the Humsafar actor throughout the ceremony, including Mahira shedding tears when Salim lifts her veil. Mahira captioned the video with “My Shehzada, Salim.” Rhea Kapoor and Mallika Dua commented on the video, praising its beauty and purity.
On her wedding day, Mahira wore a pastel lehenga with a veil, complemented by matching diamond jewelry. Salim looked handsome in a black sherwani and a blue turban. Mahira was previously married to Ali Askari, with whom she has a 13-year-old son named Azlan.
In her upcoming projects, Mahira will be seen alongside Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed in the Netflix series “Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo,” which is an adaptation of Farhat Ishtiaq’s bestselling novel. She has also acted opposite Shah Rukh Khan in the film “Raees.”