Trinamool Congress MP Abhishek Banerjee has been summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on October 3, the same day protests for West Bengal’s dues are scheduled in Delhi. The ED wants to question him regarding the alleged school jobs scam. In response, Banerjee made a wordplay on ED, stating that this revelation exposes those who are truly perturbed, rattled, and scared.
The Trinamool Congress has planned protests in Delhi on October 3 over dues to Bengal under the MGNREGA scheme. Banerjee’s summons comes after his nephew was also summoned by the ED on September 13. Banerjee expressed frustration, as the summons coincided with his first meeting of the coordination committee of the INDIA bloc.
The ED and Banerjee have been engaged in a dispute over incriminating documents allegedly discovered during raids on a company where Banerjee served as CEO. The raids were part of an investigation into irregularities in government school appointments.
In June, Banerjee refused to comply with an ED summons, claiming he was not obligated to appear at their whims and even accused them of planting evidence. Banerjee has consistently denied all allegations against him, asserting that the legal action is politically motivated.
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