Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur may keep their relationship unofficial, but they consistently set couple goals that don’t go unnoticed. The rumors began circulating about their romance a year ago when they were spotted getting cozy at a Diwali bash. Fast forward to today, and the couple is celebrating Diwali together, attending various Bollywood gatherings in the city over the past week. Today, on the auspicious occasion of Dhanteras, Aditya and Ananya ventured out in the city, twinning in vibrant yellow hues while cruising in their car.
Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday spotted in the city on Dhanteras
The rumored couple, Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur, were caught by the paparazzi in Mumbai today. Seated in their car, Aditya took the wheel as they drove away. Both adorned in yellow ethnic outfits, with Aditya sporting a yellow kurta and Ananya complementing the look in her own yellow ensemble, the duo exuded a coordinated style. Aditya’s friendly interaction with a fan, marked by a smile and a wave, added a touch of warmth to the sighting.
Have a look!
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