Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accused the opposition of trying to divide the country based on caste, following the release of Bihar’s controversial caste-based survey. Although he did not explicitly mention the survey or any specific party, PM Modi criticized the opposition in Madhya Pradesh for failing to bring about development and for manipulating the emotions of the poor. He referred to the past actions of dividing the country on caste lines and labeled any attempt to divide on caste lines as a “sin”. Many interpreted PM Modi’s remarks as a swipe at Bihar’s ruling Janata Dal (United) and the Congress party, the primary opposition in Madhya Pradesh. The Congress party has vowed to conduct a similar caste-based survey if it comes to power after the upcoming elections. Pressure is also mounting on the BJP to conduct a national caste census, following the release of the Bihar government’s report, which indicates that around 63% of the state’s population belongs to backward classes. The opposition, including Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, has been pushing for a national caste census for social empowerment and justice. However, there have been differences within the BJP on the issue, with state and national leaders not always aligned. The BJP’s state unit boss, Samrat Choudhary, said the party will first study the methodology of a caste survey. PM Modi’s remarks and the release of the Bihar survey report indicate that the issue of caste is likely to become a prominent factor in the upcoming elections.