Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

India’s stance on the Israel-Gaza war has been described as a “balancing act” in its second statement on the issue. The country’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Arindam Bagchi, reiterated India’s support for direct negotiations to establish a sovereign and independent Palestinian state. Bagchi also emphasized India’s commitment to observing international humanitarian law. This position aligns with India’s longstanding and consistent support for a peaceful resolution to the Palestine-Israel conflict.

India’s initial comments on the conflict drew criticism for offering unequivocal support to Israel without acknowledging Palestine. However, the recent statement emphasizing the need for a viable Palestinian state has been seen as a significant shift in India’s position. This change is likely influenced by the devastating impact of Israel’s response to the conflict.

India’s ties with both Israel and Arab nations make finding a balance challenging. The country has strategic, economic, and cultural interests with Arab nations, including significant oil imports. While increased imports from Russia can partially offset any reduction in oil supply from Arab nations, it may not be enough to mitigate the impact. Additionally, India has maintained historically close ties with Palestine, being the first non-Arab state to recognize it in 1974.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, as well as past administrations, have expressed support for an independent Palestinian state. The current conflict has renewed attention on the previous statement made by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 1977, calling for Israel to vacate the occupied Palestinian land.

India’s response to the current conflict reflects a more balanced approach compared to previous instances of violence between Israel and Palestine. In May 2021, during an earlier escalation of hostilities, India criticized both sides. This time, India’s response has been seen as significant due to the domestic political controversy it triggered, with the opposition Congress party being accused of supporting terrorism.

The current situation in Gaza is dire, with over 1,500 casualties, including civilians, and millions of people facing shortages of essential resources. The threat of a ground incursion by Israel has increased tensions further. The United Nations has condemned Israel’s demand for Gazan civilians to move southwards, a demand rejected by Hamas.

In summary, India’s second statement on the Israel-Gaza war reflects a more balanced position, highlighting the need for a sovereign and viable Palestinian state while also condemning terrorism. This stance is influenced by India’s strategic and historical ties with both Israel and Palestine, as well as its broader interests in the Middle East region.

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