Bipasha Basu fell in love with actor Karan Singh Grover and later got hitched to him in 2016. The duo was relishing their marital bliss when their bundle of joy Devi Basu Singh Grover stepped into their lives last year. Notably, Bipasha often shares Devi’s glimpses with fans on social media and has once again shared a sneak peek into baby Devi’s travel diaries. Have a look inside!
Bipasha Basu, who gave birth to daughter Devi, shares glimpses of her travel journey
Taking to her Instagram stories this evening, the Raaz actress shared a couple of video glimpses of her vacation with her husband Karan Singh Grover and daughter Devi. In the first video, the family can be seen sitting together while Bipasha holds her daughter on her lap. Sharing the video, she wrote, “Let’s gooo #Devistravels.”
She also shared another story wherein Devi can be seen playing with her toy while being seated on a flight. She also tagged her husband Karan Singh Grover in the post. Have a look below at Devi’s travel diaries.
Bipasha Basu’s take on facing trolling post Devi’s birth
During an interview with News18 earlier, the actress had opined on how she became a target of trolls after her daughter Devi was born. Talking about how she had put on some weight after childbirth and witnessed body shaming, she said, “I would like to tell them to please keep trolling. It’s completely fine because I’m not bothered.” Karan Singh Grover also shared his thoughts on the same and added, “As long as they’re watching us, it is okay.”
She further added how her daughter will always be her ‘number one’ priority despite anything and how now, her life revolves entirely around her. Putting Karan in the third number of her priority list, she had put herself in the second and Devi, the first.
More Bipasha Basu’s projects
Bipasha Basu is a model turned-actress who made her debut with Ajnabee in 2001 as a supporting cast. She rose to fame in 2002 with the supernatural thriller film Raaz and which was followed by several projects including Jism, Rudraksh, Barsaat, Apaharan, No Entry, and many more.
Notably, she also put her feet in the Hollywood industry with the romantic film The Lovers in 2013.
ALSO READ: WATCH: Bipasha Basu is accompanied by daughter Devi as she travels for work; shares cutesy video from flight