Priyanka Chopra, despite residing abroad, continues to embrace and celebrate her traditions and festivals with grandeur. This Diwali was no exception, as she and her husband, Nick Jonas, hosted an opulent Diwali dinner in Los Angeles for their close friends and family. Recently surfaced inside pictures from the event provide a sneak peek into Priyanka’s elegant ethnic attire for the night and showcase the venue adorned with exquisite decor, featuring flowers, candles, and thoughtful gifts.
Priyanka Chopra hosts Diwali dinner in Los Angeles
In recently shared inside pictures, it’s evident that Priyanka Chopra hosted a dinner at an upscale restaurant to celebrate the festival of Diwali with her loved ones. A selfie captured by one of Priyanka’s friends showcases the Fashion actress donning an exquisite ensemble— a velvet maroon-colored blouse paired with a matching dupatta and a golden lehenga.
Adorned with a serpent necklace and a small bindi, Priyanka completed her look with a bun adorned with a red flower. Her makeup, featuring shades of red, included a maroon lipstick. The joyous moment captured in the selfie sees Priyanka happily posing while her friend cradles PC’s dog, Diana, in her arms.
Additional pictures provided a glimpse into the enchanting dining area of the Diwali party. The centerpiece was adorned with breathtaking floral decorations, complemented by the warm glow of glass candles. Each guest’s place setting was meticulously arranged, featuring a nametag, a thoughtful gift, and a delicate flower on their plate.
Have a look!
Priyanka Chopra’s daughter Malti Marie’s first rangoli
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas embraced parenthood with the arrival of their daughter, Malti Marie, last year. In a Diwali celebration update on Instagram Stories, Priyanka shared a delightful glimpse into their festivities.
She posted a picture of a rangoli adorned with a vibrant floral design, filled with magenta hues in a charmingly messy arrangement, with a diya placed at its center. Priyanka’s caption, “First Rangoli,” adorned with red heart, folded hands, and baby emojis, suggested that the colorful creation was crafted by her daughter, Malti.
Priyanka recently visited India for the opening ceremony of the MAMI Film Festival. She also attended a high-profile fashion event, and celebrated the festival of Karva Chauth during her stay in the country.
ALSO READ: Parineeti Chopra calls husband Raghav Chadha her ‘home’ as she celebrates first Diwali post marriage