Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu embraced motherhood with her husband Karan Singh Grover last year as they welcomed their first child, a daughter named Devi. Today, November 12, their daughter turned one year old. A while ago, Bipasha gave a peek into Devi’s birthday celebration as she shared a video of her daughter looking beautiful in a pink dress.
Bipasha Basu’s daughter Devi decks up in pink dress for her 1st birthday
Taking to her Instagram, Bipasha Basu shared a video of her daughter Devi Basu Singh Grover. In the video, Devi can be seen in a beautiful pink dress. She also wore a floral-designed hairband and matching shoes.
Notably, the three of them are having a great time in the Maldives.
Sharing the video, the excited mommy wrote, “Birthday girl is ready Devi turns one.” Watch the video:
Check out fans’ reactions
As soon as Bipasha dropped the video of her daughter, fans were quick enough to react to it. One wrote, “Our princess she is just looking like an angel.” Another commented, “Time flies and our princess grows up and becomes a copy of her father.” A third fan shared, “Awwwwww so cute Happy birthday Mishti Devi Love love love loooovvvveeeee you sweet angel God bless you.” “so cute and lovely devii happy birthday,” wrote a fourth fan. Others were also seen wishing Devi on her 1st birthday.
Bipasha shared a heart-touching post on Instagram on Sunday, November 12, to celebrate her daughter Devi Basu Singh Grover’s first birthday. The post featured a photo capturing a beautiful moment from Devi’s newborn days, and Karan Singh Grover, could be seen admiring his child.
She captioned, “The magic of birth. 9 months in mamma’s belly and now today Devi is 1 year old. This time has been the most amazing time of our lives. Looking forward to many many adventures with our little goddess Devi.”
The actress further added, “I always wonder at the magical things around her… and now her first birthday and Diwali being on the same day. She is truly Ma’s mishti blessing to us. Our Lakshmi Ma. Happy Diwali to everyone. Thank you for the love and blessings for Devi and us. So grateful. #deviturnsone #grateful #mishtidevi.”
ALSO READ: Bipasha Basu drops unseen PIC of Devi as newborn to mark first birthday: ‘Truly Ma’s mishti blessing to us’