The Congress party, if it retains power in Chhattisgarh, plans to carry out a caste survey in the state, according to Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel. He added that Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, his party colleague, also supports the idea, taking inspiration from the Bihar government’s caste survey led by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. The Congress and Nitish Kumar’s Janata Dal (United) are part of the opposition block INDIA, which aims to challenge the BJP in the upcoming national election. Baghel quoted Priyanka Gandhi as saying, “We will conduct a caste census as soon as the Congress government is formed again in Chhattisgarh.”
The Bihar government recently released the findings of its caste survey ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha election. The report revealed that 36% of the population belongs to Extremely Backward Classes, 27.1% are from Other Backward Classes (OBC), 19.7% belong to Scheduled Castes, and 1.7% are from Scheduled Tribes. The general population constitutes 15.5% of the total. The survey also highlighted that the Yadav community, which includes Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav, is the largest subgroup among the OBC categories, accounting for 14.27%.
Bihar BJP chief Samrat Choudhary claimed that he saw “80% supporters” of his party in the caste survey findings. He alleged that the report was politically motivated to indulge in appeasement politics practiced by RJD president Lalu Yadav and supported by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.