The Enforcement Directorate has summoned actor Ranbir Kapoor in connection with the Mahadev online betting app case. The app has been accused of money laundering. The promoters of the app, Sourabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, were previously owners of a juice shop and a tyre shop in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh. The two men became addicted to gambling and eventually went to Dubai, where they met a sheikh and a Pakistani national. Together, they opened the Mahadev online betting app. The app had a network of 4,000 panel operators in India, with each operator having 200 customers. Through this network, Chandrakar and Uppal were making Rs 200 crore daily. They used hawala channels to pay for their lavish expenses, including a grand wedding ceremony in the UAE, which cost them Rs 200 crore. The Enforcement Directorate has seized assets worth Rs 417 crore in connection with the case and is currently searching for Chandrakar and Uppal, who are hiding abroad. The investigation has revealed that the app is operated from a central head office in the UAE and operates through franchising “Panel/Branches” to known associates.