Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni Konidela were perfect hosts this Diwali, as the beloved couple hosted a mega celebratory bash. It goes without saying that the party was star-studded, with the biggest names of the Telugu film industry in attendance. Ram Charan’s RRR co-star Jr NTR, Mahesh Babu, his wife Namrata Shirodkar, Venkatesh Daggubati, Allu Sneha Reddy, Pranathi Nandamuri, S. S. Pooja Prasad, and many other popular faces celebrated Diwali together.
On her Instagram handle, Namrata Shirodkar shared a series of pictures from the Diwali bash that have enlivened netizens. Her caption read, “About last night…Diwali done right with the coolest bunch!! Thanks @alwaysramcharan & @upasanakaminenikonidela for being the best hosts! Happy Diwali folks!! Wishing you all a phenomenal one filled with love and light. #DiwaliNights #Diwali2023 PC : pic 5 @sskarthikeya you’re a genius… Can’t get more dramatic than this”
Namrata Shirodkar made it a point to let everyone know that Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni Konidela were the absolute best hosts this Diwali. From the pictures and her caption, it is clear that Namrata had the best time with a cool bunch this festive season. In one picture that is garnering heavy eyeballs on social media, Ram Charan, Jr NTR, Mahesh Babu, and Venkatesh Daggubati can be seen posing together for a picture. Fans were enraptured by this particular picture as four bona fide Tollywood A-listers were seen posing together.
Check out the pictures from Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni Konidela’s starry Diwali party here:
Fans could not stop gushing about the pictures shared by Namrata Shirodkar, and they rushed to her comment section to rave about the stars. Most comments were made on the picture with Ram Charan, Jr NTR, Mahesh Babu, and Venkatesh Daggubati, as one Instagram user wrote, “4 legends in 1 frame.” Another comment read, “Star Studded Picture,” while one user wrote, “Frame of the day.”
Fans were also quick to chime in with their thoughts that the photo with the actors would have been more perfect if other big names from Telugu cinema were also a part of it.
ALSO READ: Namrata Shirodkar to Shilpa Reddy: Harsha Chemudu’s star studded Diwali party 2023