A 22-year-old girl from Uttar Pradesh’s Greater Noida has alleged that she was sexually harassed by police officers in Ghaziabad on September 16. The incident took place in the Sai Upvan forest, where the victim and her fiancé were approached by two police personnel, identified as Rakesh Kumar and Digambar Kumar, along with another unidentified officer. The policemen threatened the couple, demanding Rs 10,000 from them and threatening to send the fiancé to jail. Despite the couple’s pleas and falling at their feet, the policemen did not back down. Eventually, the fiancé was forced to pay Rs 1,000 via PayTM. The unidentified officer also allegedly threatened the couple with dire consequences unless they paid Rs 5.5 lakh.
In her official complaint, the woman accused Rakesh Kumar of slapping her and forcing himself upon her. The couple was reportedly held captive for nearly three hours before being released. However, their ordeal didn’t end there. The accused continued to harass the woman through phone calls and even visited her home. On September 19, Rakesh Kumar called the woman to harass her, but she recorded their conversation as evidence. When the accused learned that the couple intended to file an FIR against them, Rakesh Kumar went to the woman’s house unannounced and threatened her.
After enduring ten days of harassment and trauma, the couple finally filed an FIR on September 28. Senior Ghaziabad police officer Nimish Patil informed that all three accused are currently on the run, but a thorough investigation is underway to locate them.